?How to make the most of your storage space Toggle

?How to make the most of your storage space

Maximising storage space is everyone's quest. Keeping it tidy and easy to use is a fantasy. Combining the two- that's the real trick!

Try any of these seven tips and tell me how it goes!

1. Try storing complete sheet sets in a pillow case so everything is together. The linen closet also looks neater this way. (especially for people, like myself, who have not yet mastered the art of folding a fitted sheet!)

2. Prefer beds that come with storage for blankets underneath. If there is none, consider building a narrow unit (recommended dimensions: 30 cms in depth, the width of the bed+5 cms, and about 30 cms higher than the bed). Place it behind the bed and use it for storing extra blankets and pillows (or even sleeping bags, tents, etc.)
bed storage

(I thank my nieces for clearing away their junk specially for this picture- I promised I wouldn't publish the one with their mess, although it is tempting)

3. If you have a narrow space for storage, see if you could make the closet deeper and add pull out shelves to reach what's in back. For example: in this kitchen there is room for a 30 cm. pantry (1 ft.). That is really a very small pantry. However we were not as limited with the depth. So we made the pantry 80 cms deep (that is 20 cms more than usual) and added pull outs, thus adding 33% storage!
pantry collage

4. Build closets as separators rather than walls. A 10 cm wall can be replaced by a 15 cm depth closet which is great for discs or glasses. 30 cms will suffice for most dishes.

5. Use clear plastic boxes in different sizes (try to keep to the same shape and look though) to group together and store various items: arts and crafts, toys, clothes for different ages,equipment for camping, and so on. Easier to keep things tidy, easier to see what you have and easier to pull things out when you need them.
boxes collage

6. When preparing signs for the boxes, put a picture on them so the kids could "read" them too.

  1. Use slim hangers. aside from looking nice, they will enable you to get more hangers in your closet without scrunching your clothes. These hangers are covered with velvet so they also prevent the clothes from slipping off. If there are several family members sharing the same closet you could get different colored hangers for each one. That way each user can find their clothes easily.
    (These hangers are hard to find in Israel but can easily be ordered through ebay, Amazon and more- look for "ultra thin velvet hangers" or just "velvet hangers")


I would like to thank Tzivya Fox, a dedicated reader of the posts and an upcoming designer, for contributing her ideas and tips to this post.

Do you have specific interests you would like me to write about? ideas you would like to share? Go ahead and reply to this mail!


050-8252641 derorit@derorit.co.il
לעיצוב הבית שלכם התקשרו 050-8252641 Start designing your home 1-917-383-1689 derorit@derorit.co.il
